One or Two 60-Minute Diamond Microdermabrasions and Deep-Cleansing Facial at Le Beauty Concierge (Up to 56% Off)
55% $180 $79.20
Up to 56% Off Facial Treatments at Le Beauty Concierge
Type of microdermabrasion: diamond About diamond microdermabrasion: An aesthetician moves a pen-like wand—with a diamond-studded tip—gently over your face in short, quick strokes, breaking up dull, dead skin cells as the wand whisks them away....
Brazilian Wax at Le Beauty Concierge (Up to 56% Off)
56% $80 $35
Up to 56% Off Brazilian Wax at Le Beauty Concierge
Benefits of waxing: A longer-lasting alternative to shaving, waxing typically rids the body of unwanted hairs for two to six weeks. Waxing can also result in finer, softer hair and fewer ingrowns. Tips for reducing pain: Take an over-the-counter...